First-time visitors to Hart County are usually surprised to see a horse-drawn buggy hitched to a post in downtown or slowly moving along one of the back roads. It is a scene that locals now take for granted. Members of the old Order Amish faith began moving into the area during the late 1980s, many of them from Geauga County, Ohio.
Approximately 700 families now live throughout the county, with the largest population in the Logsdon Valley/Forestville communities. Several Amish businesses are scattered throughout the county, especially in the Cub Run area in western Hart County. Their businesses include greenhouses, bakeries, window and lawn furniture manufacturing, meat processing, sawmills, salvage grocery, and general merchandise stores. Several families also grow tomatoes and other vegetables to sell to large canneries and at roadside market stands.
Read more on our Amish of Hart County blog.